23 maart 2023

Final amount donated: €504.046,-

21.551 donors

0 participants

17 business teams

Spin for life

Wow! We raised half a million euros for groundbreaking cancer research with the first edition of our spinningmarathon Spin for Life! Together with our partners SportCity, SLAM! and Global Media & Entertainment we inspired 2100 people to get on a bike in one of the 27 SportCity locations. SLAM! DJ’s made sure the beats kept everyone going! Many thanks to all our sponsors who made the event possible and to all our participants who worked so hard to raise money.

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The donations go to...

The proceeds from Spin for Life, minus any costs, are spent on the research of Prof. Edwin Cuppen (Hartwig Medical Foundation). This research focuses on completely mapping out the DNA of 1000 young adults in order to customise treatments for these and future patients. Various hospitals across the country participate in this research.


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